Two Sisters

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Scrabble Picture Frame

Scrabble Picture Frame

Father’s Day gifts are hard!  There is no go-to gift idea like flowers for Mother’s Day.  The closest we’ve ever come up with are...

Daisy Pretzel Bites

Daisy Pretzel Bites

We made these fun and tasty Daisy Pretzel Bites using pretzels, Hershey Kisses, Marshmallows and M&M’s. They are a perfect combination of sweet and...

DIY Bathroom Makeover for Under $100 - find out how I transformed my out of date bathroom for under $100 and in only one weekend. And for more great Home Project Crafts follow us on Pinterest.

DIY Bathroom Makeover

As you can see, my circa 1970’s builder-grade bathroom was in desperate need of a makeover but I didn’t have the thousands of dollars...

Ombre Easter Cookies

Ombre Easter Cookies

We wanted a fun Easter cookie for our Sunday celebration so we combined our Best Ever Sugar Cookie Recipe with some Easter Bunny Cookie Cutters and...